All posts by Einat

Wide Range Temperature – main section

Wide Range Temperature

logger sensor NUL-234

This sensor is based on a thermocouple sensor that enables measuring very high temperature levels, even the temperature of a flame, as well as very low temperature levels.

This sensor has two modes of operation: Celsius and Fahrenheit.


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UVA – main section

UVA logger sensor NUL-232

There are different wavelengths of ultra violet light. The UVA wavelength range is 315-400 nm, which is 98% of the total UV radiation. The UVA radiation affects photoaging and also photochemical smog. The intensity of this light is measured in mW/m2 (milliwatt per square meter).


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Turbidity – main section

Turbidity logger sensor


This sensor measures the reflected light that enters into a tube containing a solution. As solution turbidity is higher, more light is reflected and measured by the light sensor, located perpendicular to the light source.

The turbidity measurement units are Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU).


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UVB – main section

UVB logger sensor NUL-230

There are different wavelengths of ultra violet light. The UVB wavelength range is 280-320 nm, which is 2% of the total UV radiation. The UVB radiation affects the vitamin generation in the human body, the immune suppression, skin cancer and cataract. The intensity of this light is measured in mW/m2 (milliwatt per square meter).


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Soil Moisture – main section

Soil Moisture logger sensor


This logger sensor is based on measuring the partial vacuum pressure in a tensiometer. A tensiometer is a closed tube with a special ceramic part in its end. The tensiometer is filled with water and put in the soil. If the soil is dry, water goes out by diffusion through the ceramic holes and partial vacuum pressure is created in the tensiometer. When we wet the soil, the partial vacuum in the tensiometer pulls water into the tensiometer and the vacuum decreases. This is why soil moisture is measured in pressure level.


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Acceleration – main section

Acceleration logger sensor


This is a 3D (three dimensions) acceleration sensor which displays each dimension one at a time. It allows measuring the acceleration of moving bodies such as a body oscillating in a spring or in a moving vehicle.


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Rotary Motion – main section

Rotary motion logger sensor


This sensor measures angles, rotations, rotation speeds or rotation acceleration. The sensor has a pulley connected to its shaft and the pulley rotation is measured. This sensor has four modes of operation: degrees, rev/s, rad/s, rad/s2.


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Force Plate – main section

Force Plate logger sensor


This module is in fact a weight scale designed for a multi range of purposes. Simply lay a heavy weight on its surface, or activate a forceful pressure against it (like a bouncing ball), and the logger sensor will measure it. But that’s not all, once a special set of handles are attached, it can also measure pull pressure rather than just weights and presses.


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