All posts by Einat

Flow – main section

Flow logger sensor NUL-224

This sensor allows for a stream of water to flow through its inlet and outlet pipes, thus revolving a rotation wheel within it. The wheel is not connected mechanically to anything else, but rather floats on a bearing for minimum friction and the enhancement of its minute accuracy. The measuring is done by monitoring changes in the sensor’s surrounding magnetic field.


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Drop Counter – main section

Drop Counter logger sensor


This sensor enables to count automatically drops and bubbles. It is perfect for titrations. Combined with the pH sensor it gives a very nice titration curve.

The sensor comes with a pre calibrated value for the drops volume. The user can make his own calibration.


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Blood Pressure – main section

Blood pressure logger sensor


The sensor measures the pressure in the cuff wrapped on the tested person’s arm.

Heartbeats affect the blood pressure. That is the reason for the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure of the tested person.

The sensor has three ranges:

  • The average pressure in the air pillow in mm Hg.
  • The pressure beats in arbitrary units.
  • The sum of the two above signals. This increases sensibility for the required calculations.

The NeuLog software extracts the following from the blood pressure graph:

  • The systolic blood pressure
  • The diastolic blood pressure
  • The Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) blood pressure
  • The heart beat rate


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Barometer – main section

Barometer logger sensor


This logger sensor measures atmospheric barometric pressure and can display data in four common units.

  • kPa – kilopascal
  • atm – atmospheres
  • in Hg – inches of mercury
  • mm Hg – millimeters of mercury The sensor also offers an option to display the measured pressure values in terms of altitude (in meters).

Barometric pressure can be measured at sea level (1 atm) and also on mountains (lower than 1 atm).


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CO2 – main section

CO2 logger sensor NUL-260

This logger sensor is based on an electromechanical reaction between CO2 gas and the sensor.

The result of the electromechanical reaction is voltage, measured by the logger sensor. The measure units are ppm (parts of CO2 per million of air).

Note: The sensor must be calibrated before every use according to the following simple procedure: connect the sensor to the PC through a USB module or a battery module. Wait for about 15 minutes to warm the sensor and press the pushbutton switch on the CO2 logger sensor for 3 seconds. Preferably this calibration should be performed in open space. A bottle adapted to the sensor is supplied.


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Colorimeter – main section

Colorimeter logger sensor


The colorimeter measures transmittance and absorbance of red, orange, green and blue light components projected on a solution.

The colorimeter logger sensor has an opening for a special square solution cuvette. It turns on four different lights in known values and measures the received light that passes through the solution.

This sensor has two modes of operation: Absorbance and Transmitence. Note: The plastic tube (cuvette) must be put in a certain way inside the colorimeter. The cuvette has two rough sides. These sides should not be in the line of the light. Three cuvettes are supplied with the sensor.


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Electrocardiogram – main section


logger sensor NUL-218

Identical in its use to a regular medical ECG (electrocardiogram), this is a rather simple three lead based logger sensor. It presents a heartbeat graph that allows a thorough examination of the heart’s electrical activity from three different angles. Unlike most ECG devices, this unit operates with non-disposable electrodes.


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GSR – main section

GSR logger sensor NUL-217

The Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) logger sensor measures the conductivity of our skin, especially of our fingers.

The conductivity of our skin changes according to unconscious emotion effects such as sudden noise, smell, touch, pain or view.

This sensor has two ranges: conductivity in microsiemens and arbitrary numbers.


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Spirometer – main section

Spirometer logger sensor


The logger sensor enables measuring the volume of our lungs. The sensor includes a tube and it measures the air flow that passes through it. The volume (in liters) is calculated by the software area calculation function.

The tube has a narrow part in its center and it measures the flow rate by measuring the pressure difference between the two ports of the tube


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Conductivity – main section

Conductivity logger sensor


This logger sensor is based on a probe with two electrodes with known surface area and distance between them. A signal is supplied to the electrodes and by testing the signal behavior, the conductivity of the solution is calculated

The logger sensor has three ranges for displaying the solution conductivity:

  • µS/cm – microsiemens per centimeter
  • mg/L – milligram per liter
  • ppm – parts per million


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