Environmental Science Experiments

Environmental science Experiments

NeuLog logger sensors help us investigate the multidisciplinary field of environmental science, which integrates biology, chemistry, physics, geology and meteorology. The principles of solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, properties of water, wind velocity and relative humidity are only some of the phenomena that the logger sensors measure, display and safely store.

Properties of Sea water and Fresh water E-1 ver. 3.0.5
pH logger sensor
Salinity logger sensor

  • Examine the properties of sea water and fresh water in terms of salinity and pH.
  • Explore environmental issues related to these properties.
Air Pressure and Altitude E-2 ver. 3.0.5
Barometer logger sensor

  • Understand how air pressure changes with altitude.
  • Measure altitude on different floors of a building using a barometer.
Wind Speed Measurements E-4 ver. 3.0.6
Anemometer logger sensor

  • Explore different levels of wind speed.
  • Assess the speed of natural or simulated wind by using the Beaufort scale.
  • Compare the assessment with the Anemometer logger sensor data.
Measuring Dew Point E-5 ver. 3.0.4
Temperature logger sensor
Dew point logger sensor

  • Understand the concept of dew point.
  • Explore different ways of measuring dew point.
Rayleigh Scattering E-6 ver. 3.0.6
Light logger sensor
UVB logger sensor
UVA logger sensor

  • Learn about Rayleigh scattering and how it affects the color of the sky.
  • Investigate visible, UVA, and UVB light throughout the day.
Microclimates and GPS E-7 ver. 3.0.4
Temperature logger sensor
Relative humidity logger sensor
GPS logger sensor

  • Learn about microclimates and the factors that affect them.
  • Investigate different microclimates using logger sensors.
  • Learn how GPS measurements can be useful to understand microclimate concepts.
Temperature and Relative Humidity E-9 ver. 3.2.3
Temperature logger sensor
Relative humidity logger sensor

  • Study the relationship between temperature, relative humidity and dew point.
  • Follow temperature and relative humidity during a period of 24 hours.

Upcoming Experiments:

Solar Oven, Quality of Water, Heating the Earth’s Surface, Calcium and Chloride in Water.


Physics Experiments, Chemistry Experiments, Biology Experiemnts, Share Your Experience