Panda Experiments

Panda Experiments


Level 1

panda light Light at Different Environments S-1
Internal Light sensor
pamda relative humidity Relative Humidity at Different
Environments S-3
Internal Relative humidity sensor
panda sound Sound Levels S-5
Internal Sound sensor
panda temperature Temperature at Different Environments S-8
Internal Temperature sensor
panda barometer Barometric Pressure and Altitude
Internal Barometer sensor and
internal  Altitude sensor
panda magnetic Magnets S-13
Internal Magnetic field sensor
panda acceleration Acceleration in Everyday Life S-16
Internal Acceleration sensor
panda dew point Dew point and Dew Formation S-19
Internal Dew point sensor

Level 2

panda-m-1 The Physics of Jumping M-1
Internal Sound sensor and
internal  Acceleration sensor
panda-m-2 How Low Can you Go M-2
Internal Barometer sensor and
internal  Altitude sensor
panda-m-3 Ecology Research Project M-3 
Several Internal sensors
panda-m-4 Relative Humidity and Dew point M4
Internal Relative humdity sensor and internal Dew point sensor
panda-m-5 360 Degrees of Light M-5
Internal Magnetic field sensor and
internal Light sensor
Weather Measurements M-6
Internal Temperature sensor and
internal Light sensor
Forms and Sources of Energy M-7
Internal Temperature sensor and
internal Light sensor
Loud and Soft Sounds M-8
Internal Sound sensor
Light and Shadow M-9
Internal Temperature sensor and
internal Light sensor
Gravity and Motion M-10
Internal acceleration sensor
Magnetic Field M-11
Internal Magnetic field sensor 
Day and Night Sky M-12
Internal Light sensor
Pushing and Pulling a Car M-13
Internal acceleration sensor